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Divine Encounters: A Guide to Visions, Angels and Other Emissaries Free Download - Explore the Amazi


But as touching the event of the prophesie; concerning the wonders, it is notorious, that that universall Idolatry which hath raigned in the kingdome of the Beast for about 1200 yeers, as well that first begotten consisting in the worship of Saints departed, Reliques and Angels, as the worshipping of Images in the next place, and in conclusion that last b [...]asphemy of the breaden God, at first was commended to poore Christians, afterwards they were perswaded to it and confirmed in it by an abundant company of wonders, to wit, by cures and miraculous visions, restraining of Devils at least in shew, and other effects to be admired, and that not of one kinde. All which the two horned Beast or the Pope of Rome with his guard of false prophets, is said to have done, as farre forth as they themselves have [...]eigned, or being seigned by others, they have approved by their authoritie, or those things which in truth were the works and delusions of Devils, they have obtruded for true and divine miracles to seduce the Christian world. Doubtlesse this is that very same thing which the Apostle Paul to the Thessalonians foretold, That the coming of the man of Sin shall be after the working of Satan, with all power 2 Thess. 2.9. and signes, and lying wonders, and with all deceiveablenesse of unrighteousnesse.

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Divine Encounters: A Guide to Visions, Angels and Other Emissaries free download


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